We’ve always known that people drink, smoke and use illegal drugs. But we’ve never known just how rampant the abuse—until now.
For the first time, researchers from the Society for the Study of Addiction have combed through data to present a picture of addictive behavior worldwide. Freedom provides this snapshot.

5% of the world population abuses alcohol

15 million people inject drugs worldwide

3.5% of people smoke pot
The Truth About Drugs, a Church of Scientology-sponsored educational campaign—like the new data shedding light on a largely hidden scourge—provides a true picture of the ugly consequences of substance abuse. Because, armed with information, we trust the world’s young people will make the right choice.

4 million students with a brighter future

23,000 schools reached with the Truth about Drugs program

5.9 million pledges to remain drug-free

180 countries helped

37 million people reached by the Truth about Drugs program