Foster Children on Psychotropic Drugs Are an Epidemic Requiring Urgent Reform
Abuses abound in foster care and elsewhere, as over 6 million kids are prescribed powerful psychotropic drugs. Over 400,000 of them are five years old or younger, and no one is tracking the side effects.
Sentencing of Cop for Drug Trafficking Is Just the Latest Tip of an Under-Reported Iceberg
Arrests of law enforcement officers for drug-related crimes are frequent, but the dimensions are unknown because agencies refuse to study the problem in their ranks.
Darknet Drug Gang Selling Heroin Online—Delivered in Stuffed Animals—Receive Prison Sentences
Part of an epidemic of online drug sales, the “rickandmortyshop” brought death by mail. Now the leader is in federal prison for eight years—but it’s a drop in the bucket.
New Synthetic Opioid, Three Times Stronger Than Fentanyl, Causing Another Round of Mayhem
If fentanyl is big trouble, protonitazene is a flat-out monster. Estimated at 150 times stronger than heroin, its effects are only just beginning to be felt—in deaths.
NIMH Scamming Taxpayers with Multibillion-Dollar Con Game That Accomplishes Nothing
NIMH operates by draining our pockets; torturing helpless animals in pointless, useless, ridiculous tests; wasting mountains of money; and doing absolutely nothing to effectively improve our country’s mental health.
Coroner’s Report on Latest Death at the Hands of Psychiatry Is a Condemnation: “Gross Failure”
The multibillion-dollar industry of death that is psychiatry has been unable to cover its bloody tracks this year—which is why public trust in psychiatry is dead.
Statistics Show Intrinsic Racist Bigotry of Psychiatry
For hundreds of years, the racist principles of psychiatry have manifested in everything from involuntary commitment rates to eugenics.
Big Pharma Seeking Ways to Bypass New Rules about Broadcast Drug Warnings in Ads
New FDA rules requiring clear warnings of dangerous side effects in drug ads is setting off alarms at drug companies: How do you legally distract from “Antidepressants may increase suicidal thoughts and actions and worsen depression in children and young adults”?
We Needed a Vote to Abolish Slavery. On the Resolution’s 75th Anniversary, It’s Skyrocketed Instead.
The United Nations passed an anti-slavery resolution on December 2 in 1949. Since then, humans owned by others have skyrocketed to 50 million worldwide. What will it take to stop this scourge?
Pontiac Psychiatric Hospital: The Wages of Sin Is Bankruptcy
Chapter 11 filing comes on the heels of Pontiac’s loss of federal funding after credible charges of abuse, violence and one preventable death.
USCIRF Releases Report on Worldwide Oppression of Jehovah’s Witnesses
From the deprivation of rights to imprisonment, heavy fines, harassment, unemployment, disruption of religious services, forced labor and torture, Jehovah’s Witnesses too often pay a terrible price for their peaceful beliefs.
Pontiac Hospital Latest in Tsunami of Reports of Violence and Abuse at Psychiatric Institutions
A Michigan psychiatric hospital loses government funding over abuse allegations that include an unwarranted death and coercion to receive dangerous treatment.