Deadline’s Mike Fleming Gives a Platform to Abusers of Women


Wife-beater Mike Rinder’s daughter, Taryn Teutsch, her mother and Rinder’s niece wrote Mike Fleming one year ago regarding how Rinder was abusive to his family and physically mauled his former wife, causing permanent damage to her arm, requiring surgery. Mike Fleming ignored their letters.

Ms. Teutsch is exposing her abusive father through social media and wants Rinder held accountable for his actions.


You can see the letters from Taryn here:

See the Church of Scientology’s letter to DEADLINE here.



Buying Out Deadline

For what is called a “takeover” of Deadline’s home page—a single ad promoting a single program—Freedom has learned that their current fee is $46,000 per day.


Tara Brown Takes a Page From Leah Remini’s Scamming Playbook

Tara Brown’s new version of yellow journalism has serious implications.


Interfaith Council Demands Disney Cancel A&E Anti-Religious Hate Show

Group delivers second letter to Disney CEO Robert Iger calling for cancellation of Leah Remini: Aftermath, after murder of Church of Scientology staff member and escalating threats and violence aimed at the Church of Scientology and other religions.