Freedom Staff

Editorial Team


Freedom Staff represents the collective efforts of our experienced editorial team—dedicated reporters working together to bring you the latest news and investigative journalism in the public interest.



Volunteer Minister Turns Principles into Action After Hurricane Maria Strikes Puerto Rico

Some 380 days of work and over 7,000 pounds of supplies help restore order and normalcy to the lives of millions.


Rocker Turned Activist Fights Drug Abuse in Hometown of Seattle

Dave Scattergood won the President’s Volunteer Service Award for his work battling drug abuse among Seattle youth.


Belgium: Overrun With Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Finding a New Answer

Foundation for a Drug-Free World coordinates education across Belgium to deliver the truth about the profound damage caused by drugs.


Citizens Commission on Human Rights Shuts Down Psychiatric Abusers in Hungary

Involuntary commitment and coercive treatment violates the rights of 10 to 15,000 Hungarians annually.


Clearwater Learning Center Battles Illiteracy and Absenteeism

“Fixing a kid’s education is one of the most beautiful things ever,” Jen says. “It never gets old.”


House Appropriations Committee Eliminates Torture Loophole—Halts Electrocution for “Behavior Control”

Everyone, it appears, agrees that the use of violent electric shocks isn’t therapy but torture. Everyone, that is, except the torturers.


Rev. Shadrack Lekoana Uses Real-World Solutions to Empower a Nation—and Fill Its Churches’ Empty Pews

Faced with a nationwide loss of faith in his country’s houses of worship, Reverend Shadrack Lekoana found real solutions in the 19 chapters of The Scientology Handbook.


How a Streetwise Kid Grew Up to Transform Her Caribbean Country

Just another urchin in a family of 15 children on the wrong side of life, Carmelita Haynes grew up with a dream to transform Aruba. With determination, pluck and The Way to Happiness, she did just that.


Trust in Media Plummets, Prompting Journalism “Bloodbath”

Media companies are reeling in the wake of plummeting public trust and vanishing profits, prompting what has been called a journalism bloodbath.


Arkansas Voters and AG Move to Strengthen FOIA

If approved by voters, the measure would create a commission to help citizens request government records and penalize agencies that fail to comply with those requests.